
Séjour INSEEC - LONDRES - 4 au 8 Avril 2022
Lundi, 23 Mai 2022 08:10

Sept étudiants de la promotion 2023 ont profité du partenariat avec l'INSEEC pour suivre un programme de formation et de visite d'une semaine du 4 au 8 avril sur le campus de LONDRES.
Cliquer sur l'image ci-dessous pour accéder à la vidéo tournée par H. Chiala (Promo. 2023)

Londres 2022

Vous trouverez ci-après le compte-rendu en anglais de ce séjour réalisé par M. Salle de la promotion 2023.

Our week in London was really good for me as a life experience.

It gave me a chance to discover another country, another culture… Even if it's not very far from France and French habits, I found that the culture was not the same, the environment different. I was also able to attend classes in England.

The best moment that will stay in my head for life may not be the first one you could think about from a foreigner's point of view, but it's a meeting with a homeless person at the end of one evening. It was a moment that really touched me, that will stay in my heart. We stayed for maybe 30 minutes with this person, but we had a good time with him: he showed us how he played the guitar and sang. Even though he lived on the street with no money, he was always smiling.

With Maxime, Haroun, Quentin, Lilly, Cassandra and Julia we finally visited 3 cities in England. The very first one was Brighton, it was our very first day. The rest of the week we went to London, more specifically to Oxford Street – it's a very central area of London. And in the middle of the week we had the chance to go to Chelsea, right next to London. I'ts quite amazing how the cities are totally different. In Brighton there's a lot of space with colours that flash. In London, everything is big with lots of people. And Chelsea is a quieter city with a lot of red brick.

I will say to finish that the common point between all these cities is, despite a lack of dustbins, the attention to the environment.


Emploi du temps groupe A

Emploi du temps - Londres - Groupe B



Parcours ECT

Parcours ECT - Montpellier BS

Parcours ECT - EM Normadie

Parcours ECT - HEC

Lycée Brémontier

Quels métiers ?

Document sur les différents métiers préparés dans les écoles de commerce.

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 Lycée Nicolas Brémontier - Bordeaux

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Cliquer sur l'image pour télécharger la fiche de présentation.


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Vers les Ecoles
